Tody I have modified my design and make it by the laser cutting machine.After that,I designed a new files to make a sticker by using the Vynil Cutter.
1.My teacher and classmate was whatching the Laser Cutting which wan cutting My name card:
2.While It is too small when it was cut down,the length is just 30mm.I forget to magnify it by the Adobe Illustrator.
3.Then I desgined a another one just look like a triangular prism,but there is a mistake that one of the length is wrong.So it cann't be assembled
4.There is no time to change my designing tody,so we do the next.We lead a picture to the Inkspace,and Extracte the elements,then we can change the picture and send it to the Adobe Illustrator.The stroke should be set to 1PT.
So,the sticker is good,but the second name card is a failure,so I just use it like this and tomorrow I will change my design.
The next day,I have changed my design and cut a new one,the files had been uploaded,you can download it.
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