Fablab O Shanghai | 中国“数制”工坊-上海站

As the first built and actively run Fablab in Mainland China, Fablab O Shanghai is founded by the College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University, located in Shanghai Design Center close to TJAD (The Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University).

FABO X Academy

"FABO X Academy" is an intensive course into digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping, organized by Fablab O Shanghai. In this nine classes' program, high-school or college students learn how to envision, prototype and document their ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools.

VR+AR |“增强现实”视觉互动课程

Fablab O | 中国“数制”工坊“AR+VR | 增强现实”视觉互动课程,从物理和光学成形等原理出发,通过软件模拟和硬件感知相结合,让学生在制作过程中掌握界面和虚拟物体成型的基本原理,并通过视频信号采集和图像制作,来建立简单 VR+AR的模型,并倒出APP并赋予硬件端口,最后通过实际项目,对基础技术做创新和运用.

FABO Playground

同济大学设计创意学院FablabO|“数制工坊”,Bio Builder,CDI,人工智能等多个实验室在多年的创客教育的实践基础上,逐渐为大学,高中,初中小学提供的一个教学实践的实验室建构方案体系,该体系以FABO Playground|“数制”乐园为核心一系列“Project BasedLearning|基于项目“的主题性实验室模块,包含有“可持续生态|Sustainability”,”生物合成|BIO Build”,“人工智能|ArtificialIntelligence”,“智能可穿戴|Wearable”,“机器人|Robotic”,“增强现实|AR+VR”,“3D打印|3D Printing”,”未来生活|Future Living“,“飞行器|Flying Objects”,等模块。每个模块方案包含“空间营建”,“硬件配置”和“课程设置”等三大功能,通过网络系统,形成互联网教学的新的模式和基础.

Fab Academy

The Fab Academy is a 5 month program offered between January and June every year. The Fab Diploma provide familiarity with technical options and capabilities, hands-on experience, and direction for further study. It is based on MIT’s rapid-prototyping course “How To Make (almost) Anything”. Progress is evaluated by skills and projects rather than time or credits.

Textile Academy

Fabricademy is a transdisciplinary course that focuses on the development of new technologies applied in the textile industry, in its broad range of applications, from the fashion industry and the upcoming wearable market.
The two phase program will last 6 months, with approximately 3 months of seminars and learning modules and three months focusing on individual in depth applied project research.