My work
How to make and design a nametag
Draw the 2d design on rhinoceros 5.0

Choose a font to create my English name.

The length of the bottom line of the nametag is 0.7ft. I hatched the fonts and tanslate the hatches a little left to the curves.
Transfer it to coraldraw and printer setting

Laser settings assigned to colors:
Yellow: Outline of the nametag; Vector; Cut through.
Red: Pattern inside cat ears; Engrave.
Black: My name; Vector; Not cut through.
p.s. I dont know why the hatches didn't appear in coraldraw, so I gave up on them.
The kerf is aproximately 0.05mm. According to the fomula: joint size = material thickness - kerf, I adjusted the width of my joints. The thickness of material is 4.5mm, so the joint width should be 4.45mm. Taking the joint as reference, I scaled the whole nametag in the coraldraw
Then set the parameters of lasercutter.
