Intrduction of 3D printer and 3D printing
Introduction of 3D printing and printer
The Mechanism of 3D printing
Different from traditional subtractive manufacturing, 3D printing workds by adding materials layer by layer to build any shape
The following are important parts of a 3D printer

3d PRINT pipeline

Some part we must pay attention to:
The wall thickness must be a multiple of the size of nozzle size of the printer. Usually the nozzle is 0.4mm. Don't set thickness less than this size.
The minimal gap between the objects should be larger than 0.4mm, in prevention of connected parts
There's 45 degree rule for overhangs. Prevent print in the air with angles lower than 45 degree. For inevitable design needs, you can add support underneath.
Set the right speed, flow and temperature is very important for printing bridge in the air.
My Work I
Easy start: Pyramid and the Nile

Step 1: Create a box. Width: 4cm; Depth: 4cm; Height: 0.2cm. Duplicate the box.
Step 2: Use 'Curve through points' to draw a curve.
Step 3: Put it on the surface of box and trim on part of box. Trim another box by another curve.
Step 4: Put two trimmed pieces together to simulate ‘the Nile’.
Step 5: Create a pyramid and copy it for several times. Apply 3-D scale to them to become in different size.
Save as .stl format and open it in 3D builder. When connected to the XYZware printer, the left bar will show printer settings like quality, support ect. Press print and it will automatically send file to the printer.
About XYZware
Clean the heatbed before printing and apply some solid glue on the area where you goona print your object.
Until the temperature of the heatbed reaches 90 Celsius, the printing program will automatically start.

This is what it looks like after printing.

Cheese-shaped mobile phone holder
This is inspired by Hegwig's work

The parameter of my iPhone: Width: Depth:0.8cm
The parameter of the holder: Width: 5cm, Height: 0.8cm, Depth: 9cm.

It works pretty well to hold mmy iPad and iPhone.

Gel holder for mice flavour preference test
In my neuroscience lab project, I needed to prepare gels to test the flavor preference of mice. But we didn't have gel holder, which made weighting the gel mass before and efter mice consumption inconvenient. I came up with the idea to use 3d printing to print the materials we needed.